這段話震驚了我,雖然我知道環境污染會影響人的健康,但是我很少把自己皮膚的狀況作連結(這是否又可以說Ann Arbor是我住過環境污染程度最低的地方呢?只有在Ann Arbor的三年裡,濕疹消失了,害我以為我好了呢?!沒想到搬去Minneapolis或紐約,更別提現在在香港了,全都回來了,現在連一生之中不知濕疹為何物的BT的皮膚也都癢了起來)。
(2011/03/30後記:不知道是不是因為主觀認為醫生兩光,擦了藥並沒什麼效果。反而是從書店某一本書學來的偏方有效果-蒜頭切片抹鹽,在患部四周點擦。最近,在我的中藥教科書裡,真的發現蒜頭被歸類在"攻毒殺蟲止癢藥",就提到"民間亦常用大蒜切片外擦或搗爛外敷。治療皮膚或頭癬搔癢。 )
The lifetime clinician-recorded prevalence of eczema has been seen to peak in infancy, with female predominance of eczema presentations occurring during the reproductive period of 15–49 years. Although little data on the trend of eczema prevalence over time exists prior to the Second World War (1939–45), the prevalence of eczema has been found to have increased substantially in the latter half of the 20th Century, with increases in eczema in school-aged children being found to increase between the late 1940’s and 2000. A review of epidemiological data in the UK has also found an inexorable rise in the prevalence of eczema over time. Further recent increases in the incidence and lifetime prevalence of eczema in England have also been reported, such that an estimated 5,773,700 or about one in every nine people have been diagnosed with the disease by a clinician at some point in their lives.
不只是濕疹,很多過敏性疾病都有類似的現象。這些都無所謂,頂多就是像我這樣癢,不然就是氣喘 鼻子過敏。但是環境關係到種族的延續,英文wikipedia的環境荷爾蒙(endocrine disrupting chemicals/compounds, EDC) 寫著:
"Health effects attributed to endocrine disrupting compounds include a range of reproductive problems (reduced fertility, male and female reproductive tract abnormalities, and skewed male/female sex ratios, loss of fetus, menstrual problems); changes in hormone levels; early puberty; brain and behavior problems; impaired immune functions; and various cancers."
1. 環境荷爾蒙是一種體外的化學物質,當它進入我們體內時,會讓人體內的內分泌系統誤認為是荷爾蒙,而加以吸收,佔據了在人體細胞中正常荷爾蒙的位置,而干擾人體的內分泌系統,造成對人體器官或各種發育的障礙。最廣為人知的例子為戴奧辛,DDT。(摘自"漫談環境荷爾蒙")
2. 中文版wikipedia的"內分泌干擾素"比較不詳細,但是列有各國禁用情形。
3. 環境資訊中心的環境荷爾蒙相關新聞。
精液品質(Semen Quality)辭條裡也提到"Environmental chemicals"
"There has been evidence for a general decline in sperm counts in Europe and the USA between 1938 and 1990. While these date were critiqued, further analysis supported the findings. A 2008 report demonstrates further evidence of the effects of feminizing chemicals on male development in each class of vertebrate species as a worldwide phenomenon; these chemical are suspect of reducing the sex ratio and sperm counts in humans. Ninety-nine percent of over 100,000 recently introduced chemicals are poorly regulated.
At least three types of synthetic toxins have been found in the semen of student volunteers: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT, and hexachlorobenzene. Leaks of dibromochloropropane (DBCP) have caused sterility in men. Soldiers that were exposed to dioxin during the Vietman war have given rise to children with an increased rate of birth defects. Plutonium, widely spread from nuclear weapon tests, accumulates in the testes, where it disrupts zink metabolism, in turn causing genetic damage. Phthalates, a ubiquitous pollutant, may cause decreased sperm production when having been exposed to it during prenatal development."
但是再看看"環境正義"辭條,大概又覺得不公平了,因為最直接受害的一群往往不是直接製造污染的那一群人,wikipedia舉的多是美國的受害族群,像是非裔美人 美國原住民還有拉丁美洲裔,但是台灣的例子也不勝枚舉。
更極端的例子就是人類製造污染,然最先受難的卻是動物。動物生活在大自然之中,製造的垃圾頂多就是糞便,很快就可以分解了,也沒有什麼碳排放量,但是因為他們直接暴露在環境之中覓食,更不會清洗食物,毫無防備,所以海中魚蝦有重金屬殘留早就不是新聞。受到氣候暖化導致冰河變少變薄,還有體內溴化阻燃劑polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) 影響行動技巧和心智能力,北極熊淹死的數量也越來越多,甚至也跟魚類一樣,產生變性現象。你說,他們是不是很無辜?
華映友達 餵了新埔人7年廢水