
DC 面試小記(7.12. 2007)

本來我就打著藉interview旅行的如意算盤。上週四(7.12)為了搭早上六點十分的飛機,我半夜三點多就起床了。飛機降落(9:30 AM)之後,馬不停蹄地租車,然後趕到Vienna, Virginia-應徵公司的所在,離面試的時間(1:00 PM)還有一點時間,找了家店坐下,一邊吃點東西,一邊準備作品集的筆記。然後面試,最後再前往姑姑家,結束我奔波的一天。

出機場的路上,中間的分隔像是 Martha SchwartzMinneapolis, MinnesotaFederal Courthouse Plaza 擺的草丘(Turf Mounds)Vienna, Virginia雖然已經遠離DC中心(在地鐵橘線的最後一站),不過出乎我意料的,它並不非常"郊區",反而是高樓林立,據Ieng指出,這裡是許多企業的總部,因為它提供優惠的租稅。或許密度是很高的,但是動不動也是雙向八線大道,商店也多以Shopping Center形式出現,在這最好也是有台車。

一開始被問及,我最近一兩個月在幹啥?其實乏善可陳,不過馬上就想到我的菜園,這也算是一個不錯的ice breaker。之後便開始聊起我的作品,拜筆記之賜,大致上可以流暢地介紹我的東西,而且我找到Kolo的相簿裝作品,為此我找了好久,跑了好幾家店,還稍稍改了作品的格式以符合相簿的大小,看來是有點代價,-->很有質感。不過,某些細節,我需要再加強,像是planting plan, construction details,否則再被問更深入的問題,就會變得支支吾吾。

看完我的作品集之後,他們解說一下他們公司的福利 制度 工作倫理...,對我這隻初生之犢來說是非常棒的。像是他們鼓勵員工考照 參與地景協會活動,還會不定期請專家來介紹最新材料跟知識。然後帶我看看工作環境,不只介紹其他員工給我認識,還請他們簡略解說手邊的工作。最後,其中一位principal,再來跟我談。原本預計30-45分鐘的面試,兩小時才完成。


感覺以地景建築師為主的公司比工程公司好多了,有各種不同的案子型態,很大一部分是我有興趣的公共空間案件,而且他們也致力於對環境友善的實踐,其中一位principalLEEDLeadership in Energy and Environmental Design認證的,正是我想要追求的方向。

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

2 hours interview is a good sign.
mid 30sK /year will be expected and around that area have many other LA firms for you, incase things does not work out as it suppose to be.

LA website shows many opennings in one near by area, perhaps next time line up few of them, to be cost+time efficient.

good luck again and portfolia looking good.

KaCHeNG 提到...

Thank you for the comments. In fact, your suggestion is just what my interviewer told me: " There are a number of landscape architects in the metropolitan Washington DC area, so as long as you are coming, I recommend you set up other interviews, as well".

I think I will do that if I got chances to go to New York or Boston.

Thank you!

匿名 提到...

i hate to tell you that companies from the mid/south willnig to fly you there and put u up for hotel, even for entry level position. however, it maybe not the case at NYC or boston company, yet both metropolitan city offer the same startup pay as the one in much lower living expense.

anyway, dont be shy to tell them in advance you will be in the area and like to request an interview or even just a short tour to their office.